Friday, May 05, 2006

Feng Shui and Water Features

Author: Danielle Dickinson

Article: Feng Shui and Water Features

Feng Shui (translated literally means wind and water), dating back over 5000 years, is the ancient Chinese art of positioning objects for harmony and balance in the environment. Water plays an important part in this traditional belief. Water is equated with the flow of Chi which is the energy or life force of the universe, believed to be present in all living things. Where Chi flows freely and accumulates there is health, abundance and prosperity. Where Chi stagnates there is illness and decay.

The positive flow of Chi is vital to a garden and its movement throughout should be free and uninhibited. Barriers to Chi must be removed and in cases where this is impracticable Feng Shui cures can be employed to allow for the smooth flow if Chi. On the flip side Chi flowing too fast through a garden is just as unsettling.

Water can be used to slow down or speed up the flow of this powerful life force and can be introduced to your garden via a pond, fountain, water feature or waterfall.

There are a few simple principles to follow when establishing a water feature in your garden:

• The best position for a water feature is in the north, east or south east corners of the garden. This is likely to bring wealth and prosperity.

• The water should flow toward the house facing the main entrance or a large window to invite Chi into your home. This is not necessary where a water feature has an even flow of water over all sides. The direction of the water flow should never flow away from you home.

• Where a waterfall is used the flow of water must be considered. To strong will be destructive to the Chi and too gentle will do nothing.

• A water feature must be proportionate to the garden. Too small will symbolize a lack of abundance and too large may be too powerful for your home.

• Remove clutter such as debris and dead plants / foliage from your garden. This will inhibit the flow of Chi.

• It is important to maintain your water feature properly, avoiding build ups of algae, dead leaf matter and unsightly slime. Water needs to remain moving, clean and fresh to harness the Chi.

• Check your feature regularly for cracks and leaks which allow the Chi to escape.

• Introduce goldfish to your water feature to encourage wealth.

• Where water is lost through evaporation remember to top up your water feature to replenish the Chi.

Adding a water feature to your garden need not be expensive or difficult. A simple ready made water feature can be installed in preference to a grand, expensive water feature. Far better to have a simple feature that is easy to maintain rather than a huge pond and waterfall set-up that may prove time too consuming for today’s busy person.

Whether you believe Feng Shui is nonsense, superstitious belief or not there are few gardens that will not benefit from the application of its principles both practically and aesthetically. Apply these principles to your garden and you may soon reap the rewards!

About the author: Danielle Dickinson is an avid water feature enthusiast. She is a regular contributor to Gardening Magazines. Visit her website <a href> for more information on building and maintaining any type of Water Feature as well as a huge range of water gardening products.

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