Friday, October 06, 2006

Landscaping with Roses

Author: Alex Fir

Article: Roses have many uses in the home garden, both as standalone bushes and climbers and as part of an overall landscape of plants and flowers. The newest thinking in landscape gardening is to combine roses with other types of native plants and flowers, and roses certainly lend themselves to a striking place in the garden.

Roses are also wonderful when used to enhance and highlight areas of the home or surrounding landscape. For example, climbing roses can be trained to grow up and over a trellis or to highlight and enhance a bare wall or garden shed. In addition, a spray of yellow roses growing against a brick or stone home can be a beautiful addition to the landscape.

Landscaping with roses is one of the best ways to add beauty to the home, and even to enhance its value. Before you can landscape effectively with roses, however, it is important to determine just where roses will fit in your landscape, and how best to use them. Landscaping with roses is not difficult, but it is important to plan properly before the first rosebush goes into the ground.

Planning for next spring's garden should begin the winter before the garden is to be planted. Planning early allows you to determine the best location for the roses in the garden, and to research the varieties that are most likely to thrive in your climate.

It is also important to ask yourself what you want to get out of your roses. Roses can be used for many different reasons, from providing an attractive ground cover to providing a dramatic backdrop for a beautiful home.

Planning is also important in order to prevent rose specific problems. There are, for instance, a number of pests and diseases that are specific to roses, and it is important to take steps to prevent those problems before planting your roses. It is also important to ask yourself how much time you have to devote to growing roses, since some varieties are harder to grow than others. If your time is limited, it may be best to stick to hardier, easier to grow varieties.

It is also important to choose roses in colors that will best highlight your home and exterior landscape. For instance, a spray of white roses can be quite striking against a dark colored home, just as red roses can beautifully compliment a white exterior.

It is also important to examine your landscape and determine which roses will work best where. For example, hybrid musk roses grow well even in less than full sun, so they are often used in shady areas. It is important to note, however, that hybrid musk roses do not do as well in colder climates. It is important to take your own climate into account, as well as sun and shade considerations, when planning your rose landscape.

About the author: Visit <a href="""">Gardening Information</a> website and learn <a href="""">gardening tips</a>. You will also discover which <a href="" ccessories.html""> gardening tools</a> match the tasks in your garden.

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