Author: Balaji B
Article: The growing of flowering or foliage plants on window ledges is a form of gardening in which most people can indulge. Those who live in flats, and others who have no gardens, and especially invalids who are confined to their rooms, derive an enormous amount of pleasure from this form of gardening.
Window ledge plants would be more popular if it were not for the fact that a considerable amount of work is involved in filling and emptying the boxes. In addition there is the watering problem, drainage water dripping on to the heads of people in the streets is liable to cause some annoyance. By taking proper precautions in constructing the containers and setting them in position, most of these difficulties can be overcome.
Suitable Window Ledge Plants for a Spring Display
Some of the most popular plants for spring are as follows: Arabis albida (double variety)
The procumbent stems of this plant are clothed with grey hairy leaves and bear spikes of double, white flowers.
It is more compact in growth than Arabis and forms a close carpet of blue, pink or purple flowers.
Bellis perennis flore pleno (Dwarf Double Daisies)
These dainty, free-flowering plants are ideal for window-boxes. There are red, pink and white varieties.
Myosotis (Forget-me-not)
This popular spring-flowering plant is obtainable in several shades of blue and forms an ideal carpeting plant for many types of bulbs.
Primula (Polyanthus)
The Polyanthus does not do well in a hot position and should therefore be used for window boxes which are set in a shady spot. These plants make a bright display, and many variously coloured forms are obtainable.
Suitable Window Ledge Plants for a Summer Display
Here again much information can be gained by visiting the public parks in summer, and making notes of the plants used for filling the flower beds... from florists shops many of the plants given in the following list will be readily obtainable. For example :
Ageratum houstonianum (mexicanum)
This is easily recognised by its compact, upright stems which bear small tufts of blue, fluffy flowers. There are numerous varieties in different shades of blue. The plants are compact and the bedding varieties range in height from 4-9 inches.
Lobularia maritima (Alyssutn maritimum)
Commonly called the white or sweet alyssum, this plant is used extensively for edging and carpeting flower beds. The variety Little Dorrit is the most popular. It grows 2-4 inches in height and forms a compact mass of white, sweetly-scented flowers. Lilac Queen and Violet Queen are two excellent varieties of recent introduction.
For edging, the variety Magic Carpet, which has a creeping habit, and forms a profusion of small blooms in many shades of colours, is most attractive.
Begonia semperflorens
For freedom of flowering and for providing a continuous display in summer the varieties of this species of Begonia are unexcelled. The plants grow about 6 inches tall and produce masses of flowers of various shades of red or pink.
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