Saturday, June 10, 2006

Online Garden Seed Exchanges

Author: Jill Dow

Article: If you've been gardening for any length of time you have probably realized a couple of things.

1: Gardening can be quite expensive 2: Finding the plants you really want can be a daunting task.

If you're anything like me, you enjoy making changes to your gardens on pretty much a yearly basis. I call this ""puttering"". I'm always adding, moving, and redesigning. After all, what good is puttering in the garden if there's little to do? While this is good therapy and for many like myself the ultimate form of relaxation mixed with exercise, it can cost a bundle!

I'll remove a section of garden with a brilliant new garden design in mind and head off to the local garden stores, only to find they have nothing I wanted. In the past I've settled for what was to be had, only to find myself not happy with it next year and the ""puttering"" begins again.

Then I discovered……….. ONLINE SEED EXCHANGES!!!!!

Online seed exchanges are simple online forums where gardeners can post notices of excess seed they have and are willing to exchange for what you have. You can also post requests for seed you'd like. This is a remarkable service! It costs you nothing but a few cents postage to find the garden seed you’ve been looking for and to share your seed with other gardeners. I'm always thrilled to acquire seed in late fall and propagate them in winter so the plants are ready for next springs puttering season.

Here are some of the best online seed exchanges.

The Garden Web Seed Exchange –

Emily Compost Seed Exchange –

The Garden Helper Seed Exchange –

Happy puttering!

About the author: For more information on growing bulbs and seeds see

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