Thursday, June 01, 2006

Planning Next Year's Garden

Author: Carole Pagan

Article: Seems like it's a little early to start thinking about next year's garden, doesn't it? But now is the time to survey your gardens and see what's going on. What needs to be changed?

The first thing you want to look for is where does the sun hit, and when?

Roses and vegetables do better in an area where they get morning sun, especially when it starts getting cooler. The morning sun will warm them up faster and keep them producing longer. Using this method, you will be out in the first snowfall gathering the last tomatoes before they freeze!

Plants like lilies and petunias, stuff that has a natural growing, bloom cycle anyway, will do fine with afternoon sun.

One of the greatest tools for planning your garden are the catalogs from places like Gurvey's or Spring Hill. These catalogs will give you all of the details about each plant -

* How much sun they need

* How big the plant gets

* What is it's growing/ blooming time

* How far apart to plant

One thing that scares people away from catalog buying is not being able to see what you're getting ahead of time. Imagine my shock when my 80 lilac bushes were nothing but a bunch of sticks! But I followed the directions, and they grew. Except for a couple, and those were replaced. So, don't be afraid.

I had also order tall hedge. Another 60 sticks. Imagine my neighbors amusement when I was out there planting all those sticks. It was a brand new subdivision at the time. Everyone basically had mud for landscaping. By the next spring, everyone else was trying to figure out what to do with their yard. My landscape was in full bloom and hardly required any work at all. Even the lilacs bloomed, even though they were only about 2 feet tall that first year.

I had an ever-exploding landscape. tulips, daffodils, lilacs, assorted lilies that bloomed at all different times, yucca, roses, balloon flowers, butterfly bushes, 4 o'clocks, I mean, it was amazing.

And I did it all by using the catalogs to map out the garden plans. So grab a catalog and get out in your yard and start planning for next year.

About the author: Carole will show you how to quickly and easily keep the inside of your home clean, so you have more time to do the things you love. Find the secrets here -

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